Humancoin as an aggregator of global loyalty programs

Is that  Humancoin  ?
Humancoin  is a blockchain project that has been tasked with the responsibility of changing the world giving charity better through the application of blockchain technology.  Humancoin will strive to combat the problem of trust in charitable giving through the use of blockchain technology, as well as giving donations quickly and comfortably to donors around the world.  Donors will also be able to track the way funds are used and also receive rewards from the Humancoin platform partners.
A number of respected charitable organizations such as the Red Cross have begun to accept crypto currency donations.  Humancoin will make the process much easier by providing a platform to not only receive donations but also monitor them.  The Humancoin will not mandate donations to be made in the Humancoins but projects will be permitted to determine and declare forms that they would rather accept donations;  fiat or other cryptocurrency.
There are also plans to make  Humancoin an aggregate of global loyalty programs , building partnerships with existing e-commerce platforms rather than trying to compete.
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Details of Tokens and ICOs

Humancoin will be built on the Ethereum blockchain making the Humancoin token ERC20 token.  There will be a total of 6 billion Humancoins made, with 3,055 million Humancoins available for sale during the token sale that will take place from July 1, 2018, to November 1, 2018. During the token sale, 1 Humancoin will sell for $ 0.01 and there will be minimum purchase of 0.1 Eth.  All unsold tokens will be burned after the token sale.  You can also join  the white list  to receive up to 50% bonus on your purchase.
A total of $ 1 million is expected to increase during the token presence (July 1 - August 15), while softcap $ 6 million and $ 26 million hardcap have been set for the sale of the main tokens (September 15 - November 1).  Funds collected during the token sale will go into project development in 2019.
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Author: Andaresta
ETH: 0x4c2FBb247D23E8b03369332d7a2e0806B4Ec1d9C
